State of Texas requires vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings

Dear Parent/Guardian,                                                                                                                                 

Each year the state of Texas requires vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings to be performed by the school nurse. Your school nurse will notify you if your child needs further evaluation by your doctor. If your child has already been evaluated by your doctor and you do not wish for the school nurse to perform the screening, please provide information from the doctor about the test(s) that were performed and the result(s). Below is a list of when the screenings will take place the week of October 9- 13, 2023.


Vision and Hearing: Pre-Kinder, Kinder, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grades -  and any students new to district

*Students with prescribed glasses should be sure to bring in their glasses daily to be able to perform accurate screenings*


Spinal Screening (Scoliosis): fifth (5th) grade girls, seventh (7th) grade girls, and eighth (8th) grade boys

Risk Assessment for Type 2 Diabetes (Acanthosis):

Is performed along with vision & hearing screenings for grades 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade:


Acanthosis nigricans is a disorder that may begin at any age. It causes velvety, light- brown-to-black, markings usually in areas of body folds and creases. If positive findings are found the school nurse will send a notice home to parent. Individual follow-up will be given to your child; including height, weight, and blood pressure.


Important Recommendations:

  • Students should bring shorts to school for the exam.
  • Girls should wear a thin t-shirt or a sports bra underneath their shirt on exam day. 
  • If girls are wearing a sports bra, it is recommended that they remove their shirt for the screening.
  • Boys and girls will be screened separately and one at a time. 


Thank you for your cooperation and please content your school nurse if you have any questions.