In the heart of Fly Junior High, a week of heartfelt gratitude unfolded during National School Counseling Week. This special celebration, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (A.S.C.A), aimed to shine a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of school counselors. Maggie Rodriguez and Robert Villarreal, two remarkable counselors at Fly Junior High, found themselves at the center of a heartwarming tale of appreciation.
As the first full week of February dawned, the school buzzed with excitement, ready to honor the dedicated counselors who played a pivotal role in shaping the academic and emotional landscape of the students. The air was filled with anticipation as colorful decorations adorned the hallways, celebrating the essence of National School Counseling Week.
On Monday morning, Maggie and Robert were pleasantly surprised to find their offices adorned with vibrant plants, each carefully selected as a token of appreciation. The gesture, a symbol of growth and nurturing, mirrored the counselors' impact on the students' lives. The Fly counselors beamed with gratitude, feeling acknowledged and valued for their tireless efforts.